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Cross-platform image decoder(png/jpeg/gif) and encoder(png/jpeg) for Node.js


var images = require("images");

images("input.jpg")           //Load image from file 
  .size(400)             //Geometric scaling the image to 400 pixels width
  .draw(images("logo.png"), 10, 10)  //Drawn logo at coordinates (10,10)
  .save("output.jpg", {        //Save the image to a file,whih quality 50
    quality : 50          //保存图片到文件,图片质量为50

Features 功能特性

  1. Lightweight:no need to install any image processing library.
  2. 轻量级:无需安装任何图像处理库。
  3. Cross-platform: Released a compiled .node file on windows, just download and start.
  4. 跨平台:Windows下发布了编译好的.node文件,下载就能用。
  5. Easy-to-use: Provide jQuery-like chaining API.Simple and reliable!
  6. 方便用:jQuery风格的API,简单可依赖。

Installation 安装

$ npm install images

API 接口

node-images provide jQuery-like Chaining API,You can start the chain like this:

node-images 提供了类似jQuery的链式调用API,您可以这样开始:

/* Load and decode image from file */
/* 从指定文件加载并解码图像 */

/* Create a new transparent image */
/* 创建一个指定宽高的透明图像 */
images(width, height)

/* Load and decode image from a buffer */
/* 从Buffer数据中解码图像 */
images(buffer[, start[, end]])

/* Copy from another image */
/* 从另一个图像中复制区域来创建图像 */
images(image[, x, y, width, height])


Load and decode image from file从指定文件加载并解码图像

images(width, height)

Create a new transparent image创建一个指定宽高的透明图像

images(buffer[, start[, end]])

Load and decode image from a buffer从Buffer数据中解码图像

images(image[, x, y, width, height])

Copy from another image从另一个图像中复制区域来创建图像

.fill(red, green, blue[, alpha])

eg:images(200, 100).fill(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0.5) Fill image with color以指定颜色填充图像

.draw(image, x, y)

Draw image on the current image position( x , y )在当前图像( x , y )上绘制 image 图像

.encode(type[, config])

eg:images("input.png").encode("jpg", {operation:50}) Encode image to buffer, config is image setting.


Return buffer


Note:The operation will cut off the chain


See:.save(file[, type[, config]]) 参考:.save(file[, type[, config]])

.save(file[, type[, config]])

eg:images("input.png").encode("output.jpg", {operation:50}) Encoding and save the current image to a file, if the type is not specified, type well be automatically determined according to the file, config is image setting. eg: { operation:50 }
编码并保存当前图像到 file ,如果type未指定,则根据 file 自动判断文件类型,config为图片设置,目前支持设置JPG图像质量

.size([width[, height]])

Get size of the image or set the size of the image,if the height is not specified, then scaling based on the current width and height获取或者设置图像宽高,如果height未指定,则根据当前宽高等比缩放

.resize(width[, height])

Set the size of the image,if the height is not specified, then scaling based on the current width and height

设置图像宽高,如果height未指定,则根据当前宽高等比缩放, 默认采用 bicubic 算法。


Get width for the image or set width of the image获取或设置图像宽度


Get height for the image or set height of the image获取或设置图像高度

images.setLimit(width, height)

Set the limit size of each image  设置库处理图片的大小限制,设置后对所有新的操作生效(如果超限则抛出异常)


Set the garbage collection threshold   设置图像处理库自动gc的阈值(当新增内存使用超过该阈值时,执行垃圾回收)


Get used memory (in bytes)得到图像处理库占用的内存大小(单位为字节)


Forced call garbage collection 强制调用V8的垃圾回收机制



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