富贵资源网 Design By www.hznty.com

这个方式很有用,在使用bootstrap table的时候,选择当前已经选择的节点的事件中的ID的值

$.map(data,function(item,index){return XXX})
 //遍历data数组中的每个元素,并按照return中的计算方式 形成一个新的元素,放入返回的数组中
 var b = $.map( [55,1,2], function( item,index ) { 
 return { 
 "label": item,
 "value": index 
 alert(b[0].label +" "+ b[0].value); 
 //输出为 55 0 


/** * Get an executable instance of <literal>Criteria</literal>, * to actually run the query. */
 public Criteria getExecutableCriteria(Session session) {
 impl.setSession( ( SessionImplementor ) session );
 return impl;
return (PageBean) getHibernateTemplate().executeWithNativeSession(new HibernateCallback() {
 public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException {
 Criteria criteria = detachedCriteria.getExecutableCriteria(session);


 "success": true,
 "message": null,
 "data": {
 "pageSize": 15,
 "rows": [

 "userName": "333",
 "userType": 333,
 "password": "333",
 "id": 11,
 "indexcode": "333"
 "userName": "3",
 "userType": 333,
 "password": "333",
 "id": 5,
 "indexcode": "33333"
 "total": 17,
 "totalPage": 2,
 "page": 0,
 "hasPreviousPage": true,
 "hasNextPage": true,
 "lastPage": false,
 "firstPage": false

主要是这里我是用了统一的返回接口 ActionResult,这样比较方便书写格式,统一后端

 * Created by JetWang on 2016/10/1.
public class ActionResult {

 private boolean success;

 private String message;

 private Object data;

 public ActionResult(){

 public ActionResult(boolean success){
 this(success, null, null);




Bootstrap table的使用方法


<%@ include file="./common/common.jsp"%> //什么公用的bootstrapt ,JQuery啊之类的引用放进去处理了
<script src="/UploadFiles/2021-04-02/bootstrap-table.js">


jQuery(document).ready(function() {

这里你可以进行重写哦~~ ,extentd进行重新的覆盖!

BootstrapTable.DEFAULTS = {
 classes: 'table table-hover',
 locale: undefined,
 height: undefined,
 undefinedText: '-',
 sortName: undefined,
 sortOrder: 'asc',
 sortStable: false,
 striped: false,
 columns: [[]],
 data: [],
 dataField: 'rows',
 method: 'get',
 url: undefined,
 ajax: undefined,
 cache: true,
 contentType: 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',//这里我就加了个utf-8
 dataType: 'json',
 ajaxOptions: {},
 queryParams: function (params) {//这个是设置查询时候的参数,我直接在源码中修改过,不喜欢offetset 我后台用的 是pageNo. 这样处理就比较的满足我的要求,其实也可以在后台改,麻烦!
 return params;
 queryParamsType: 'limit', // undefined (这里是根据不同的参数,选择不同的查询的条件)
 responseHandler: function (res) {//这里我查看源码的,在ajax请求成功后,发放数据之前可以对返回的数据进行处理,返回什么部分的数据,比如我的就需要进行整改的!
 return res;
 pagination: false,
 onlyInfoPagination: false,
 sidePagination: 'client', // client or server
 totalRows: 0, // server side need to set
 pageNumber: 1,
 pageSize: 10,
 pageList: [10, 25, 50, 100],
 paginationHAlign: 'right', //right, left
 paginationVAlign: 'bottom', //bottom, top, both
 paginationDetailHAlign: 'left', //right, left
 paginationPreText: '"htmlcode">
 function initTable() {
 striped: true, //表格显示条纹
 pagination: true, //启动分页
 pageSize: 15, //每页显示的记录数
 pageNumber:1, //当前第几页
 pageList: [10, 15, 20, 25], //记录数可选列表
 search: false, //是否启用查询
 showColumns: true, //显示下拉框勾选要显示的列
 showRefresh: true, //显示刷新按钮
 sidePagination: "server", //表示服务端请求
 //设置为limit可以获取limit, offset, search, sort, order
 //远程数据加载之前,处理程序响应数据格式,对象包含的参数: 我们可以对返回的数据格式进行处理
 return res.data;
 queryParamsType : "undefined",
 queryParams: function queryParams(params) { //设置查询参数
 var param = {
 //这里是在ajax发送请求的时候设置一些参数 params有什么东西,自己看看源码就知道了
 pageNo: params.pageNumber,
 pageSize: params.pageSize
 return param;
 onLoadSuccess: function(data){ //加载成功时执行
 onLoadError: function(){ //加载失败时执行
 layer.msg("加载数据失败", {time : 1500, icon : 2});
 height: getHeight(),
 columns: [
 field: 'state',
 checkbox: true,
 align: 'center',
 valign: 'middle'
 }, {
 title: 'ID',
 field: 'id',
 align: 'center',
 valign: 'middle'
 field: 'userName',
 title: 'UserName',
 sortable: true,
 footerFormatter: totalNameFormatter,
 align: 'center'
 }, {
 field: 'userType',
 title: 'UserType',
 sortable: true,
 align: 'center'
 field: 'password',
 title: 'UserPass',
 sortable: true,
 align: 'center'
 field: 'indexcode',
 title: 'Indexcode',
 sortable: true,
 align: 'center'
 field: 'operate',
 title: 'Item Operate',
 align: 'center',
 events: operateEvents,
 formatter: operateFormatter

上面的 footerFormatter 和 formatter 都是对于当前列的显示进行处理的事件,文档中如下
The context (this) is the column Object. The cell formatter function, take three parameters: value: the field value. row: the row record data. index: the row index.
footerFormatter :
The context (this) is the column Object. The function, take one parameter:
data: Array of all the data rows. the function should return a string with the text to show in the footer cell.


 function operateFormatter(value, row, index) {
 return [ '<a class="like" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Like">', '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart"></i>', '</a> ', '<a class="remove" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Remove">', '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i>', '</a>' ].join('');


 title: '操作',
 field: 'id',
 align: 'center',
 var e = '<a href="#" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" mce_href="#" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onclick="edit(\''+ row.id + '\')">编辑</a> ';
 var d = '<a href="#" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" mce_href="#" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" onclick="del(\''+ row.id +'\')">删除</a> ';
 return e+d;


The cell events listener when you use formatter function, take four parameters: event: the jQuery event. value: the field value. row: the row record data. index: the row index.

Example code:

 field: 'operate',
 title: 'Item Operate',
 align: 'center',
 events: operateEvents,
 formatter: operateFormatter
 function operateFormatter(value, row, index) {
 return [ '<a class="like" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Like">', '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart"></i>', '</a> ', '<a class="remove" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Remove">', '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i>', '</a>' ].join('');
 window.operateEvents = {
 'click .like': function (e, value, row, index) {
 alert('You click like action, row: ' + JSON.stringify(row));
 'click .remove': function (e, value, row, index) {
 $table.bootstrapTable('remove', {
 field: 'id',
 values: [row.id]


 onEventName: function (arg1, arg2, ...) {
 // ...

$('#table').on('event-name.bs.table', function (e, arg1, arg2, ...) {
 // ...
onAll all.bs.table 
 name, args 
 Fires when all events trigger, the parameters contain: 
 name: the event name, 
 args: the event data.


//The calling method syntax: $('#table').bootstrapTable('method', parameter);

//1 当前选择选的框框的id 
getSelections none Return selected rows, when no record selected, an empty array will return.

getAllSelections none Return all selected rows contain search or filter, when no record selected, an empty array will return.
 $table.on('all.bs.table', function (e, name, args) {
 console.log(name, args);
//3.删除 前台的数据,不需要从后台重新加载
remove params Remove data from table, the params contains two properties: 
field: the field name of remove rows. 
values: the array of values for rows which should be removed.


 function getIdSelections() {
 return $.map($table.bootstrapTable('getSelections'), function (row) {
 return row.id
 $remove.click(function () {
 var ids = getIdSelections();
 $table.bootstrapTable('remove', {
 field: 'id',
 values: ids
 $remove.prop('disabled', true);

如果大家还想深入学习,可以点击这里进行学习,再为大家附两个精彩的专题:Bootstrap学习教程 Bootstrap实战教程


富贵资源网 Design By www.hznty.com
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富贵资源网 Design By www.hznty.com